#1586 Cop City is the Backlash to the Backlash Against Police Brutality and Murder, the Atlanta Community is Fighting Back
Air Date: 10-3-2023
The Stop Cop City movement in Atlanta is the current tip of the spear of the police accountability movement but the instinct of elected officials to lean into building more and bigger policing facilities is likely to spread as part of the backlash to the backlash against police violence which calls for defunding and redistributing resources to programs that actually help people.
Read more#1458 White Supremacy on Trial (Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Arbery Murder, Charlottesville Nazis)
Air Date: 12–2-2021
Today we take a look at the state of White Supremacy in the US through the lens of three recent trials; Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal for his role in the deaths of two and injury of one in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the conviction of the three men who murdered Ahmaud Arbery during what they claimed was a citizen's arrest and a civil suit filed against White Supremacists for their role in the death and injuries during the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally and counter-protest.
Read more#1448 Pillars of Copaganda and the Lies We Are Told About Police
Air Date: 10–16-2021
Today we take a look at some of the structures of "copaganda," from misreported stats and coverups to propagandistic opinion articles and police procedurals that flood the pop culture landscape.
Read more#1364 Fundamentalist-Driven Sectarian Violence (And I am Not Talking About a Foreign Country)
Air Date: 9–5-2020
Today we take a look at the protests and counter-protests roiling the nation and recognize the conspiracy-laden fundamentalism of the far-right that is fueling the violence.
Read more#1356 The Many, Many Problems with Cops and Why Reform is Impossible
Air Date: 7–6-2020
Today we take a look at the problems with cops that aren't the obvious, racist problems. We're talking about the rules that help protect bad cops from accountability, the police unions that insist on those rules and the lack of state or national policies that would structurally disincentivize the hiring or continued employment of problem officers.
Read more#1029 You can't reignite a fire that never stops burning (Black and Blue Lives)
Air Date: 07-19-2016
Today we take a listen to a few of the reactions from people of color to the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the police officers in Dallas
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