Bonus Edition #203 The Fog of Work
Original Air Date: 4–16-2020
Today, Amanda and I discuss a few of the aspects of life during a pandemic that's causing mental fog and affecting our work.
Read moreBonus Edition #203 The Fog of Work
Air Date: 4–16-2020
Today, Amanda and I discuss a few of the aspects of life during a pandemic that's causing mental fog and affecting our work.
Read moreBonus Edition #200 Mental Taxation
Air Date: 4–1-2020
Today, Amanda and I discuss the silent, ever-present taxation that is robbing all of us of our normal levels of mental energy during the pandemic.
Read more#1309 Facing Our Existential Dread Head On (Trump and Climate Anxiety)
Air Date: 10–1-2019
Today we take an unflinching look at two of the major sources of anxiety in modern life, Donald Trump and the climate crisis, and some of what we can do to find a degree of calm.
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