#1353 Uprising, George Floyd was the spark that ignited the world (Repost)
Air Date: 6–17-2020
Today we take a look at the uprising sparked by the killing of George Floyd in the context of a world in which that event was just the last straw in an innumerable series of straws.
Read more#1407 Reclaiming the Streets (Defunding the Police and the Sarah Everard Outcry)
Air Date: 3–28-2021
Today we take a look at the progress being made on the effort to reform and defund the police in America as well as the reignited campaign to make society safe for women in the wake of the Sarah Everard murder in the UK.
Read more#1354 Police violence and racism are a product of our past (Uprising, Crackdown, Authoritarianism)
Air Date: 6–22-2020
Today we take a look at the history of racist policing which flows seamlessly into our present racist policing which itself flows into Trump's authoritarian glee at the opportunity to consolidate violent, racist power in response to protests against violent, racist power.
Read more#1353 Uprising, George Floyd was the spark that ignited the world
Air Date: 6–17-2020
Today we take a look at the uprising sparked by the killing of George Floyd in the context of a world in which that event was just the last straw in an innumerable series of straws.
Read more#1298 Standing up Against Cowardly Fear, Fragility and Mass Murder (Gun Responsibility)
Air Date: 8–20-2019
Today we take a look at the El Paso and Dayton shootings by connecting the dots between white supremacy, misogyny, privilege and power
Read more#1288 #DontLookAway from US Concentration Camps for Asylum Seekers
Air Date: 7–10-2019
Today we take a look at the history, legality, conditions and consequences of US concentrations camps erected to house asylum seekers fleeing from unspeakable violence only to land in the hands of Trump's intentionally torturous immigration detention system
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