#1295 How Fascism Uses White Supremacy to Delegitimize Non-Whites and Enrich the Wealthy

Air Date: 8–06-2019

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Today we take a look at the racist attacks by Trump and his supporters against "The Squad" and how those attacks are in line with a long tradition of working to delegitimize and silence the perspectives of non-whites in America

EPISODE SPONSORS: Credo.com/BEST | Clean Choice Energy

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Ch. 1: A Racist By Any Other Name - Backtalk with Amy Lam and Dahlia Balcazar - Air Date 7-25-19

Trumps racism towards the squad is actually being called racism by some media outlets, and we need to keep calling it out.

Ch. 2: Trump's Racist Rhetoric is Deliberate with Henry Giroux - The Real News with Marc Steiner - Air Date 7-17-19

Trump is 21st century fascism, filled with toxic masculinity, nationalism and white supremacy.

Ch. 3: Trump's Racist Comments Roundtable with Laura Carlsen, Jackie Goldberg and Gerald Horne - Sojourner Truth with Margaret Prescod - Air Date 7-18-19

Trump and his racist are an ongoing attack on democracy, and its very loud, white supremacy.

Ch. 4: Why "Send Her Back" Reverberated So Loudly - On the Media - Air Date 7-19-19

Ibram X. Kendi, founding director of American University’s Antiracist Research and Policy Center, considers a different line of inquiry: who gets to be American? Kendi and Brooke talk about how the president's comments have plenty of precedent in history.

Ch. 5: Trumps Racist Lies About Ilham Omar Define the GOP with John Nichols - The Real News with Marc Steiner - Air Date 7-19-19

Trump is doubling down on racist attacks aimed at the congresswomen of color, he is propping up white supremacy and using fear tactics.


Ch. 7: Thoughts for those on the fence about universal health care - Heather from Texas

Ch. 8: Many thoughts on our health care system and drug choice - Syd from the Pacific Northwest


Ch. 9: Final comments on the corrosive nature of comodifying common decency and humanity

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Beast on the Soil - Desert Orchard
  • Denzel Sprak - CloudCover
  • Derailed - The Depot
  • Sweetly - Blue Dot Sessions
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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