#834 Somewhere between anarchy and tyranny (Health Care)
Today we take a look at the unnecessarily-slow, yet undeniable progress being made in the push to insure all Americans
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#833 Objectified, harassed, abused, killed (Misogyny)
Today we look at some of the effects, large and small, of living in a systemically misogynist culture. Turns out they're not good.
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#832 It costs money to either save or destroy the world (Climate)
Today we look at the financial realities of both action and inaction on climate change. Turns out the right, selfless thing to do is also the right, selfish thing to do
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#831 The scales are systemically tipped (Media)
Today we look at just a few of the things that are fundamentally broken about the way our corporate media system works
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#830 Misguided and hypocritical (War on Drugs)
Today we look at some of the benefits of marijuana legalization and the hypocritical asininity of those who oppose it
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