#927 Confronting the evil of our era (Climate)
Today, among other things, we take a look at how and why we need to fundamentally change the way we think about human’s relationship to the environment.
Read more#926 Boys will be boys but we can change what that means (Patriarchy)
Today, instead of trying to convince you of the benefits of feminism, I’m just going to show you the horrors (for everyone) of patriarchy.
Read more#925 A bad idea for all the reasons (Death Penalty)
Today we take a look at the US death penalty from all angles. Cultural norms? We’re an outlier. Protecting the innocent? We kill innocent people. Following the letter of the law? We’re absolutely breaking the 8th amendment to the constitution. Fiscal responsibility? Death penalty costs about 3 times more than life imprisonment. And don’t forget about the racially biased implementation and the structurally biased trail system of death penalty cases.
Read more#924 The revolt against high stakes testing (Education)
Today we take a look at the growing backlash against high stakes standardized testing that seem to have a whole lot of problems and very few benefits
Read more#923 Resisting a secret corporate takeover (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
Today we look at the squabbling going on between Obama and every non-corporatist sellout in the country as represented by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders
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